Inspired by Nature

Waterchild was created with a single vision – to showcase Mother Nature’s treasures in the most simplistic and timeless way possible. 

Now, as it always has been, it’s always ‘all about the stones’. 

Every Crystal is beautiful, unique and special, and we believe deserves to be shared and enjoyed.

From humble beginnings in 2006, when our focus was mostly in the jewellery, creative accessories and Crystal-Aroma Therapy space, through to our current offerings that are grounded in the home decor market, our passion for Mother Nature’s offerings remains unchanged.

From the beautiful, to the stylish, to the metaphysical, our mission is to provide products that showcase Mother Nature’s treasures to beautify and enhance both spaces and experiences. 

Responsibly Sourced


Australian Owned

We aim to deliver responsibly sourced (and sustainably where possible), humanely manufactured, fairly-priced, quality products.

We source locally where possible, and take great pride in maximising our use of recycled and recycle-able packaging, as well as earth-friendly components.

Our preferred transport providers offset carbon emissions created by their processes.

Whether for home or office, meditation or just for fun, we remain committed to bringing the best of Mother Nature’s treasures, in the most fairly-priced way to as many as possible, because sharing is beautiful. 


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